Thick coat, big heart, natural composure - the exotic breed from the Valais is friendly and sociable.
They look good, have character and their pedigree goes back to the 15th century! Their appearance enchants with the corkscrew-shaped horns and the dark colourings on white fur: nose, ears, ankles, knees – all completely black! A pattern that is unique, which is why the animals, which are mainly kept in Valais, are counted among the most beautiful sheep breeds in the world. But they don’t just score visually – under their thick shaggy fur beats a heart as big as an animal. They are friendly and live peacefully together with other animals. There is no bitching, the horned bearers are far too calm and generous for that.
Paul Julen, host of the Romantik Hotel Julen in Zermatt with his family, is one of their great fans. He bought eight animals in 1972 and today owns 300 black noses, the largest breed in the world. His animals spend the summer months on the alp. “The pastures are all over 2,400 metres high. There our sheep move completely freely and are happy.” The hotel guests can learn more about their life in nature on excursions or visit the animals in the stable during the winter months. Paul Julen: “The fact that I can combine my work as a host with my passion for my sheep is a gift.”